Wednesday, June 22, 2011

1 Week Post-Op: Bike To Work Day

I'm covering dispatch duties in the Boulder office at work this week. It works out well to keep me restful and safe. Things are going pretty well... pain is at bay and I quit taking painkillers after just 48 hours; no alarming issues besides swelling in my hand. Aside from my garden ride last week, I hadn't been back on the bike until today. Each year a day in June is designated Colorado Bike To Work Day, where local businesses all over the Front Range (especially in Boulder) set up free breakfast stations for cyclists commuting to work. Designed to encourage car-free transit, it's a fun day to take advantage of free food and coffee all over town for those of us who ride every day regardless. This is my 8th annual Bike To Work Day here, and I wasn't about to let elbow surgery leave me on the sidelines. So I hopped on the mountain bike and caught the bus up to Boulder and kept my streak alive. While there are a ton of dedicated cyclists and commuters in Boulder, this day really brings 'em out of the woodwork. And I found that making my rounds to breakfast stations with an arm in a splint and sling earns mad props (and extra generous food offerings!)

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