Sunday, June 12, 2011

Evening in the garden

Our garden got off to a wobbly start this year, but it's coming along. We got inspired and ambitious back in early April when we were having an unseasonably warm stretch of spring. So we took our chances and sewed a bunch of seeds a few weeks earlier than we normally do. Soon after, of course, it dropped to near freezing for several nights, followed by a bunch of cold cold rain & hail while we were in Utah, and kind of stunted things. The Utah trip put us a couple weeks behind an ideal schedule for transplanting starter plants. Plus the free starters that we graciously get from Denver Urban Gardens were smaller than we'd expected.

It shouldn't sound like I'm complaining, cuz I'm not. I'm just eager to see growth spurts and be teased with the first blooms of our tomatoes, peppers, beans, squash, etc. It'll happen eventually but this growing season is going to take a bit of patience. Summer has finally arrived with consistent temps in the 80's so things should be taking off now.

Plenty of lettuce, arugula, radishes, sugarsnap peas and cilantro already so we are enjoying hearty fresh salads every day. What a healthy, tasty pleasure of the early summer!

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