Saturday, June 25, 2011

Garden Work Day

Time to gather all our community gardeners for a work day effort. Invasive weeds in the gravel pathways are getting out of control and there's a few other chores to tend to. It's also a good way to keep everyone social and build a better sense of community amongst the gardeners, since we often don't see each other much at the garden. The garden as a whole is coming along great this year- we have so much more space for growing after the new layout was built over the winter. Our returning gardeners are gaining experience and expertise and the new folks are bringing fresh energy and expertise of their own. We've even been informed that Denver Urban Gardens chose ours to highlight when the local news station expressed interest in doing a story on community gardens!

In elbow news, it's still feeling alright and the hand swelling is improving. Only a couple more days until I go back to the doctor on Monday to get my splint removed and I can't wait! It's getting itchy and trying to shower without getting it wet is quite a pain (and showers are therefore unfortunately rare.) Hand function and grip strength is improving as well. I have an admittedly ridiculous fantasy that they'll remove the splint and it'll be instantly back to normal. Good luck on the one!

I've kept commuting via mountain bike ever since Bike To Work Day earlier this week. I belong on a bike, it's basically that simple. I feel so much better even getting a couple short rides between the home and the bus and work and back, even if it's one-handed and extra cautious. I'm planning to be back working light duty on the bike starting next week. My co-workers who I was subbing for last week are back now, and there's not work for me to do in the office unless someone is taking time off. But mostly I can't wait to be out moving around in the city, getting a bit of exercise, seeing fresh scenery and being outside.

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