Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Farewell to the Alps [Innsbruck > Munich; 8/20-8/21 - 95mi]

After nine consecutive days of climbing at least 4500 vertical feet each day, I was still pooped in the morning and in no hurry to get back on the road. So I lingered over a couple Austrian beers in the lounge of my guesthouse and caught up on this here blog... and finally turned the pedals around 5pm.

One last pass to climb up to the border with Germany. The map said it was only something like 940M, but my altimeter watch said I was as high as 1140M... so a little extra climbing snuck in, steep but not too long. Dusk was upon me and I was aiming right into a large t-storm that I watched develop for an hour or so. I still needed to resupply water for the night, so I had to keep moving ahead into the storm. Finally I came to a gas station, topped off my extra bottles and found a nice camp spot in the woods just as the first few drops fell... got set up and enjoyed a very active lightning storm from the dry shelter of my tent.

The next morning I hit the German border... pretty uneventful.

And heading north, I meandered my way right out of the lively Alps for good. Shed the proverbial tear, as all these mountains have really had an impact on me in so many ways. Their sheer beauty, of course, but also the personal challenges and rewards, physically and mentally, of spending so much of my trip in them. The French Alps woke me up to the real fun of laboring over the Cols; the Corsan mountains were like a fantasy world of peaks and beaches; the Dolomites were just visually stunning beyond any mountains I've yet seen; the Austrian Alps were a grand finale to it all. So to spare you the philosophic blather, these mountains changed & shaped my trip for the best... and maybe my life a little too.
goodbye Alps, hello Bavaria

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